september, 2022

27sep2:00 pm4:00 pmBusiness Gateway Webinar - Managing your Day-to-Day Business Finances

Event Details

This webinar is aimed at individuals who are looking at ensuring they are considering all aspects of how they should be managing the financial aspects of their business on a day to day basis.

Delegates will learn about the key aspects of financially running a business, keeping on top of the day to day activities, developing profit and ensuing they know how to manage their financials. The workshop will also discuss the variety of accounting packages available and if your business should be using them.

The aim of this session is:

  • To understand your profit and loss account
  • To develop your knowledge of what you should be doing on a day to day basis with the financials of your business
  • To consider if the time is right for your business to invest in an accounting package
  • To keep your business focussed on how to improve your profitability

To book a placeĀ click here.


(Tuesday) 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm




Lynsey Garrick01563 576481 Ingram Enterprise Centre, 30 John Finnie Street Kilmarnock KA1 1DD

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